At the action of enrollment in the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry held yesterday, September 23 in Hrvatski Leskovac, 26 new potential donors joined the Croatian Registry. We thank our organizer Mrs. Željka Hamaček and SDP Novi Zagreb – West for the invitation and organization of the action. With this action, we also marked the World Marrow Donor Day and […]
>>Author Archive: zaklada-tim
World Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Day
Every September 22 World Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Day is marked to raise awareness about this serious disease.
>>World Marrow Donor Day
September 18 marks World Marrow Donor Day. This day has been celebrated every third Saturday in September since 2015 to remind the importance of enrolling in the registers of voluntary hematopoietic stem cell donors, donating umbilical cord blood stem cells, and thanking all the wonderful people who took the time to donate a part of themselves to the sick to […]
>>Action to join the Croatian Registry in Hrvatski Leskovac
On Thursday, September 23, from 6 to 7 pm, the Ana Rukavina Foundation will hold an action to join the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry in Hrvatski Leskovac at the Community Center (Trg hrvatskih branitelja Domovinskog rata 2).
>>139th transplantation from the Croatian Registry
Dear friends, at the end of August, we published the news on our Facebook page about umbilical cord blood issued during August, which was donated to the Ana Rukavina Public Cord Blood Bank in 2014, and which gave a patient from France a chance to live.
>>138th transplantation from the Croatian Registry
Dear friends, another hematopoietic stem cell transplant was performed in July. A person from Croatia got a chance to live from a noble donor from the Croatian Registry who took his time to give the unknown person hope for a cure.
>>48 potential donors joined the Croatian Registry at the Police Academy
Dear friends, on Tuesday, August 31, in cooperation with the Police Academy, we held another action to join the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
>>Ana Rukavina Foundation donated one million kunas for the construction of a sterile unit of the Department of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb
Dear friends, by the Decision of the Board of Trustees The Ana Rukavina Foundation donated one million kunas to the Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplantation of the Clinic for Pediatrics of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb to equip one sterile unit.
>>137th transplantation from the Croatian Registry
Dear friends, we received news from the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry that one hematopoietic stem cell transplants was performed in June for patient from Croatia.
>>136th transplantation from the Croatian Registry
Dear friends, four stem cell transplants were performed in May!