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Zaklada Ana Rukavina
Vrbje 1 C, 10000 Zagreb
T: 01 48 12 827
E: [email protected]

Ana’s Birthday

Ana Rukavina was born on today’s date in 1977. Today we remember our Ana and her sunny disposition, courage and desire to live. Even though she left us too early, today we celebrate life in honor of Ana and maestro Šutej with the traditional 5th Concert for Life.


Concert for Life in memory of Ana and maestro Šutej

The traditional “Concert for Life” for the Ana Rukavina Foundation, organized by the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra under the high auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Ivo Josipović, and sponsored by the Mayor of the City of Zagreb, Milan Bandić, will be held on March 28th at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall starting at 7:30 PM.


53 new entries at the action in Pitomača

On Friday, March 21st, at the action held in Pitomača to join the Registry of voluntary hematopoietic stem cell donors, a total of 53 citizens joined the Registry and thereby demonstrated their civil solidarity in action.


Concert for Life in memory of Ana and maestro Šutej

The traditional “Concert for Life” for the Ana Rukavina Foundation, organized by the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra under the high auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Dr. Ivo Josipović, and sponsored by the Mayor of the City of Zagreb, Milan Bandić, will be held on March 28th at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall starting at 7:30 PM.


Action to join the Registry in Pitomača

The next action to join the Registry of voluntary hematopoietic stem cell donors will take place on March 21st from 10 AM to 12 PM in Pitomača in the conference hall of the Municipality of Pitomača (Ljudevita Gaja 26/1).


Broj potencijalnih darivatelja u Hrvatskom registru

Broj tipiziranih darivatelja

Broj transplantacija iz Hrvatskog registra

Kako je sve počelo

Želim život

Akcija "Želim život" je priča koja je počela sa Aninim pismom u kojem je rekla da sve njene želje stanu u te dvije riječi.

Banka krvi iz pupkovine

Osnivanje javne Banke krvi iz pupkovine Ana Rukavina rezultat je velikog truda i uloženih sredstava Zaklade Ana Rukavina s ciljem da što više ljudi koji se liječe od hematoloških bolesti dobije priliku za ozdravljenje.

Stručno usavršavanje

Javni natječaj za edukaciju i stručno usavršavanje mladih liječnika specijalizanata ili specijalista interne hematologije i drugih srodnih specijalizacija.

Upoznajte naše odabrane kandidate