Dear friends, we have wonderful news coming from the Croatian Bone Marrow Donors Registry – in September, another transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells took place!
According to the report of the Croatian Registry, in September a transplantation for a Croatian patient took place, which makes this a total of 64 transplantations, for Croatian and foreign patients, from the beginning of Ana Rukavina Foundation’s work.
64 donors for Croatian and foreign patients are priceless for sick people waiting for their matching donor and that’s why we ask you to join the Registry and increase chances of getting better for those who are waiting for a matching donor.
Our thoughts are with the transplanted patients to whom we want, a successful recovery.
We thank from the bottom of our hearts to all donors who answered the call from the Registry and to all who are joining the Registry on a daily basis and increase chances of getting better for those who are waiting for a matching donor.