A humanitarian concert will be held in Šibenik theatre on May 15th , in the town where Ana had moved for love; total income will be donated to Ana Rukavina Foundation.
The following performers participated at the concert:
Tereza Kesovija, Tedi Spalato, Kemal Monteno, Neno Belan, klapa More, Jelena Radan, Meritas, Đani Stipaničev, Helena Bastić, Alen Slavica, Ivana Prgin and Toni Eterović
Marina Jurković and Nikola UrukaloThe price of the ticket is 150 kuna; tickets can be purchased at the Theatre ticket office and in City Coffee House We thank concert organizers cordially:
Šibenik Theatre, Concert Agency “Šibenik concert” and reporter service of Vjesnik Šibenik; special thanks to Ms. Jadranka Klisović, Ana’s friend and colleague.
«Printing office Malenica», Zagrebmontaža, Rivijera, Vinoplod-Vinarija, restaurant Peškarija, ZAMP Split,The Town of Šibenik, florist shop «Opera»…