These days we have received countless letters of support from our citizens, companies and institutions!
Thank you to our dear friends for the countless support which has given us strength to continue carrying on with Ana’s idea of expanding the Registry and establishing the cord blood bank.
Your generous donations have enabled us to achieve this great goal. Let’s recall – two years ago the Registry included about 150 tissue typed donors, today there are 9,702. In the upcoming period we are left with 22,662 blood samples of potential donors to tissue type. The cord blood bank consists of more than 600 donated transplants. An extremely important fact is that we have significantly raised the awareness of citizens, especially young people, about the importance of donating bone marrow and stem cells.
In this holiday season we would like to wish you peace and happiness with your families, as well as the hope that we will continue to work together for the general good and for all those people who are in need of help.