Valentine’s Day for the Foundation

Dear friends, for the fourteenth year in a row, a traditional Valentine’s Day activities for the Ana Rukavina Foundation was organized by the City Board of the Red Cross of the City of Hvar on February 12.
The action raised HRK 10,065.00, which the Hvar Red Cross paid into the bank account / IBAN of the Ana Rukavina Foundation. Also, with the payment of the Hvar Red Cross, the Vanđela Božitković Kindergarten from Hvar paid HRK 1,100.00 to the Ana Rukavina Foundation.
The traditional Valentine’s Day action of the Hvar Red Cross is certainly one of the most special because they managed to include all ages to support the work of the Ana Rukavina Foundation, and thanks to the united hands of our dear Hvar people, 128 people have a new chance to live!
Dear citizens of Hvar, dear Mrs. Budrović, Teo Jeličić, Dr. Esma Čečuk-Jeličić, thank you for all the years you have spent with us and helped us make Ana’s dream a reality!

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