Jasenko Houra, the frontman of the band Prljavo Kazalište and the author of a number of songs that have marked the last few decades, has decided to hand over all of the royalties he receives for his performances and the publication of his songs “Mojoj Majci” (Ruža hrvatska (Croatian Rose)), “Crno-bijeli svijet” (Black and White World), “Sretno dijete” (Happy Child), “S vremena na vrijeme” (From Time to Time) and “Heroj ulice” (Hero of the Streets) to the Ana Rukavina Foundation during the period from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2013.
“With this generous gesture, Mr. Houra has shown that he is not only a great singer and musician, but also a man with a big heart. In view of the fact that Jasenko actively participates in the campaign to protect the music copyrights of authors (ZAMP), as the bread that artists live from, by turning over a part of his royalties, this is one of the greatest gestures Jasenko can make,” points out Marija Rukavina, the director of the Ana Rukavina Foundation.
We believe that this gesture by Mr. Houra will be the perfect prelude to Ana’s birthday (March 26th), in the way that radio stations will be even more motivated to play the mentioned song so that as much money as possible can be raised for tissue typing the blood samples that are intended to be entered into the Registry of voluntary bone marrow and stem cell donors.
Ana Rukavina is truly a “heroine of our streets”, city and country. With her desire for life she touched many hearts and contributed so much to raising public awareness about patients with leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The two people whose lives have been saved by blood samples from the Croatian Registry would surely call her the “Croatian Rose”. We remember Ana “From Time to Time”, a “Happy Child” who has shown us that the world is indeed “Black and White”, but that life is beautiful!