Dear friends, Tuesday, May 26th, marks National Organ Donation and Transplantation Day.
According to information from the Croatian Transplant Association, Croatia is among the top three countries in the world based on the number of donors, as well as the number of transplants performed.
We are especially pleased that according to reports from Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide, in 2013 Croatia was ranked 11th in the world based on the number of registered potential hematopoietic stem cell donors per 10,000 residents. Therefore, the Croatian Registry has “surpassed” many more populated and economically developed countries around the world, such as Australia, South Korea, Denmark, Italy, Japan, etc.
In addition, the Public Cord Blood Bank “Ana Rukavina”, which was established on Ana’s birthday, March 28, 2007, has also been very successful. According to the same report from the BMDW, in 2013, the Public Cord Blood Bank “Ana Rukavina” was ranked 9th among member countries of the World Registry based on the number of stored units of cord blood stem cells per 10,000 residents, which was more than in Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Sweden, etc.
Of course, this success was achieved thanks to all of you who by joining and donating cord blood stem cells decided to help those who are suffering and increase their chances of being treated. We would also like to sincerely thank the 48 stem cell and bone marrow donors who gave a piece of themselves to save someone’s life!