Dear friends, with the actions, held on Tuesday, June 11th in Zagreb and on Thursday, June 13th in Bjelovar, 256 potential donors joined the Croatian Bone Marrow Donors Registry.
>>Lecture at the School for Nurses Vinogradska
Dear friends, on Monday, June 10th, we held a lecture to students of the 4th grade of the School for Nurses Vinogradska.
>>105th transplantation from the Croatian Registry
Dear friends, two stem cell transplants were carried out in May! From the Croatian Bone Marrow Donors Registry, we received news that in May there were two transplants of stem cells for patients from Croatia.
>>Action to join the Croatian Registry in Trnsko
Dear friends, on Tuesday, June 11th, from 10 am to 12 pm Ana Rukavina Foundation will, in cooperation with Mrs. Ana Mrčić and the Local Committee of Trnsko in Zagreb, hold the action of enrolling in the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
>>Action to join the Croatian Registry in Bjelovar
Dear friends, Ana Rukavina Foundation, will hold an entry in the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry in the premises of the Red Cross Bjelovar (108. puka 1) in Bjelovar, on Thursday, June 13th, 10 am to 12 pm.
>>31 potential donors joined Croatian Registry in Sesvete
Dear friends, at the action held on Tuesday, May 28th in Sesvete at the invitation of Pevec d.d. employees 31 potential donors joined the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
>>New members of the Croatian Registry
Dear friends, on the action held on Friday, May 24, in Zagreb, 9 new members joined the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
>>Action to join the Croatian Registry in Zagreb
Dear friends, on Friday, May 24, from 4 pm to 6 pm Ana Rukavina Foundation will, in cooperation with the Local Committee of Travno in Zagreb, hold the action of enrolling in the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
>>39 potential donors joined Croatian Registry at Zagreb School of Business
Dear friends, on Thursday, May 16th, in Zagreb at the premises of the Zagreb School of Business 39 potential donors joined Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
>>68 potential donors joined Croatian Registry in Koprivnica i Đurđevac
Dear friends, on Tuesday, May 14th we held actions to join Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry in Koprivnica and Đurđevac where 68 potential donors joined the Croatian Registry.