16th Anniversary of Ana’s letter

16 years ago today, Ana wrote this letter, probably not aware of the strength her words have and what sort of life-changing events her brave move subsequently brought about. Her appeal was not only courageous, but also completely without patheticness, just like her own character. Her decision to write this resulted in events that would later on help save many […]


1 Transplantation from Allograft Donor in October

The Croatian Bone Marrow Registry has announced that the number of stem cell donations reached 159 in October, with one transplantation from allograft donor taking place that month. The patient is a Croatian national. Thank you for joining the Registry and remaining its member! Even though the compatibility may or may not occur, your membership greatly increases the chances of […]


101 New Donor in Croatian Registry

At the action held on Thursday 27th October in Split at the Faculty of Medical Science, as many as 101 new potential donors joined the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry. With this initiative the number of potential donors in Croatia rose to 62.410.


2 Transplants in September

The Croatian Bone Marrow Registry has announced that the number of stem cell donations reached 158 in September, with two transplants taking place that month. Both patients are Croatian nationals.


World Bone Marrow Donor Day

September 17 is marked World Bone Marrow Donor Day. Since 2015, this day has been celebrated every third Saturday in September to remind of the importance of registering in the registers of voluntary donors of hematopoietic stem cells, donating cord blood stem cells, and to thank all the wonderful people who took the time to donate a part of themselves […]
