220 new samples HLA typed

We received a report from the Clinical Institute for Transfusion Medicine and Transplantation Biology of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb on new HLA typed samples. In May, 120, and June 100 new samples of potential donors were typed.


Action to join the Croatian Registry in Sinj

As we announced earlier, a race is going to be held organized by the Association “Dinaridi trails” from Sinj called Ultra Trail Dinarides in the nature park Dinara, and the organizers have decided that 10% of the proceeds from the total entry fees for races Family race 10 km at 100 kunas and Initiation 20 km at 170 kunas to […]


53 potential donors at the Police Academy

On Monday, May 16, in cooperation with the Police Academy, we held the eighth joint action of enrollment in the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry. Thus, since 2007, when we held the first joint action in cooperation with the Police Academy, a total of 504 students of the Police Academy have become potential donors of hematopoietic stem cells.
