250 new HLA typing in October

We received a report from the Clinical Institute for Transfusion Medicine and Transplantation Biology of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb on 250 new typing samples in October.


15 years after Ana’s letter “I want to live!”

It all started with one letter and a young girl’s sincere desire for life. Fifteen years ago, Ana sent a letter to a friend. A letter that found its way to people’s hearts and triggered an avalanche of emotions throughout Croatia – and beyond. On that letter and the desire for life for all the sick, hers and your Ana […]


400 new HLA typing in September

We received a report from the Clinical Institute for Transfusion Medicine and Transplantation Biology of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb on the new 400 typed samples in September.


Action to join the Croatian Registry in Zagreb

On Wednesday, October 13, the Ana Rukavina Foundation, in cooperation with the Siget Local Committee, is organizing an action to join the Croatian Bone Marrow Donor Registry at the premises of the Siget Local Committee, at Radmanovačka 39 in Zagreb from 4 to 6 p.m.
