Action to join the Registry in Sveta Nedelja

Dear friends, the first action of the year to join the Registry of voluntary hematopoietic stem cell donors will be held in Sveta Nedelja at the company Otto Bock Adria d.o.o. (Dr. Franje Tuđmana 14) on Friday, January 16th from 11 AM to 1 PM.


985 new samples undergo HLA tissue typing

Dear friends, it is our great pleasure to inform you that another 985 blood samples from potential hematopoietic stem cell donors have been tissue typed using the molecular method for four HLA loci: A, B, C and DRB1. This has brought the number of tissue typed samples of potential donors to 44,259.


International Volunteer Day

We would sincerely like to wish a happy International Volunteer Day to all the volunteers who devote their time, work, effort and enthusiasm to those who are in need of help.
