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The meeting of two great humanitarians, maestro Jose Carreras and Prof. Mirando Mrsić, medical director of the Ana Rukavina Foundation

On the occasion of the concert of maestro Jose Carreras, which will take place tonight, September 23, 2024, in the “Vatroslav Lisinski” Concert Hall in Zagreb, Prof. Mirando Mrsić, medical director of the Ana Rukavina Foundation, met with the legendary tenor at the Sheraton Zagreb Hotel. The purpose of the meeting was to thank him for everything he did for […]


World Bone Marrow Donor Day

September 17 is marked World Bone Marrow Donor Day. Since 2015, this day has been celebrated every third Saturday in September to remind of the importance of registering in the registers of voluntary donors of hematopoietic stem cells, donating cord blood stem cells, and to thank all the wonderful people who took the time to donate a part of themselves […]


World Lymphoma Awareness Day

On September 15, we celebrate World Lymphoma Awareness Day. Lymphomas are malignant diseases whose tumor cells originate from the lymphatic system. It is a disease related to leukemia, and it is also caused by a malignant change of lymphocytes and their uncontrolled multiplication.


In August, one person was given a chance to live!

In August, a transplant of hematopoietic stem cells from a Croatian donor was performed for a patient from Croatia. Thanks to the selfless donors of hematopoietic stem cells, 181 sick people were given a chance to live! Many thanks to all the donors who decided to help.


Broj potencijalnih darivatelja u Hrvatskom registru

Broj tipiziranih darivatelja

Broj transplantacija iz Hrvatskog registra

Kako je sve počelo

Želim život

Akcija "Želim život" je priča koja je počela sa Aninim pismom u kojem je rekla da sve njene želje stanu u te dvije riječi.

Banka krvi iz pupkovine

Osnivanje javne Banke krvi iz pupkovine Ana Rukavina rezultat je velikog truda i uloženih sredstava Zaklade Ana Rukavina s ciljem da što više ljudi koji se liječe od hematoloških bolesti dobije priliku za ozdravljenje.

Stručno usavršavanje

Javni natječaj za edukaciju i stručno usavršavanje mladih liječnika specijalizanata ili specijalista interne hematologije i drugih srodnih specijalizacija.

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