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Zaklada Ana Rukavina
Vrbje 1 C, 10000 Zagreb
T: 01 48 12 827
E: [email protected]

IN MEMORIAM ANA RUKAVINA ERCEG 26. 11. 2006. – 26. 11. 2023.

“Seventeen years have passed and all the memories are so fresh, I’m trying to accept the departure, but there is a wound in my heart that won’t heal until we meet again. It’s hard to talk about, only those who have experienced it can understand. Time doesn’t heal wounds, but because of the people you love and who surround you, […]


Tonight “I want a life” concert on Josip ban Jelačić Square

We invite you to come to the concert “I want a life” at Square ban Josip Jelačić tonight or to follow it live on Nova TV and online platforms from 9:15 p.m. If you are able, please support us by calling the humanitarian number 060 9000 made possible by Hrvatski Telekom (call price 0.66 EUR / HRK 5 / plus […]


In memoriam Dr. Vesna Bartulić

I IN MEMORIAM DR. VESNA BARTULIĆ 10.11.2010. – 10.11.2023. Today we remember our dear dr. Vesna Bartulić who helped the Ana Rukavina Foundation even after her death. For this we are eternally grateful to her!


17 years together! 18th concert “I want life”

Dear friends, this year, on Saturday, November 25, the Ana Rukavina Foundation will hold the traditional, 18th time in a row , Christmas concert “I want life”, which after three years is returning to Ban Josip Jelačić Square in Zagreb. The concert is being held in memory of our Ana and seventeen years since her untimely departure, and as a […]


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Kako je sve počelo

Želim život

Akcija "Želim život" je priča koja je počela sa Aninim pismom u kojem je rekla da sve njene želje stanu u te dvije riječi.

Banka krvi iz pupkovine

Osnivanje javne Banke krvi iz pupkovine Ana Rukavina rezultat je velikog truda i uloženih sredstava Zaklade Ana Rukavina s ciljem da što više ljudi koji se liječe od hematoloških bolesti dobije priliku za ozdravljenje.

Stručno usavršavanje

Javni natječaj za edukaciju i stručno usavršavanje mladih liječnika specijalizanata ili specijalista interne hematologije i drugih srodnih specijalizacija.

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