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Zaklada Ana Rukavina
Vrbje 1 C, 10000 Zagreb
T: 01 48 12 827
E: [email protected]

Ana’s birthday

Our dear Ana was born on today’s date in 1977.  The words “I want life” are the wings on which her vision still flies today. Those two powerful words are the initiators of this whole story that has been going on for 18 years. Ana is no longer with us physically, but her words, strength and charisma live on. Ana, […]


We are proudly growing in the number of transplants!!!

We are happy because in February a valuable transplant of hematopoietic stem cells from an unrelated Croatian donor was performed for a patient from Germany. Thanks to the selfless donors of hematopoietic stem cells, the total number of transplants increased to 171 and thus 171 patients were given hope for life! Many thanks to all the donors who decided to […]



On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at the Maksimir Stadium, thanks to the invitation of the Nema Predaje Foundation, a registration campaign was successfully held in the Croatian Register of Voluntary Donors of Hematopoietic Stem Cells, where 8 potential donors joined us. This was the first action of the year in Zagreb, and healthy citizens between the ages of 18 and […]


Hope for life was given to two more sick people!!!

There is nothing better than starting the new year with good news. We are overjoyed because in January, two transplants of hematopoietic stem cells from an unrelated Croatian donor were performed for patients from Croatia. Thanks to the selfless donors of hematopoietic stem cells, the total number of transplants increased to 170, and thus 170 patients were given hope for […]


Broj potencijalnih darivatelja u Hrvatskom registru

Broj tipiziranih darivatelja

Broj transplantacija iz Hrvatskog registra

Kako je sve počelo

Želim život

Akcija "Želim život" je priča koja je počela sa Aninim pismom u kojem je rekla da sve njene želje stanu u te dvije riječi.

Banka krvi iz pupkovine

Osnivanje javne Banke krvi iz pupkovine Ana Rukavina rezultat je velikog truda i uloženih sredstava Zaklade Ana Rukavina s ciljem da što više ljudi koji se liječe od hematoloških bolesti dobije priliku za ozdravljenje.

Stručno usavršavanje

Javni natječaj za edukaciju i stručno usavršavanje mladih liječnika specijalizanata ili specijalista interne hematologije i drugih srodnih specijalizacija.

Upoznajte naše odabrane kandidate