Dear friends, on Friday, November 22, 8th Open Hearts Day was held in memory of Ana and thirteen years since her early departure.
Ana left us a noble mission to give our best to have a few “little bald heads” as possible in the hospitals, and the Open Hearts Day was held for 39 new potential bone marrow donors to help ensure Ana’s mission and dream.
During this traditional action, all interested citizens could get acquainted with the work of the Foundation and the importance of enrolling in the Croatian Registry. Future mothers learned more detailed information about the operation of the Ana Rukavina public blood bank and the donation of umbilical stem cells.
We sincerely thank all who supported the Open Heart Day to recall Ana and help us achieve her dream; our partner Nova TV, as well as all other support from media representatives, Gastro Globus, McDonald’s, Carlsberg, Jamnica, volunteers – Manuela, Mia, Tea, Lucija, Mirna, Ana Marija, Nina, Matea, Nikolina, Kristina, Hrvojka, Josip, Dominik, Mario, Karlo and the dear friends of the Foundation who were all available to us all day, as well to all of you our dear potential donors who have taken your time to do good and help others.
We sincerely thank everyone who has supported Open Heart Day to remember Ana and help us make her dream come true; to our media partner Nova TV, as well as to all other media representatives in support, Matija Cvek and his crew for a wonderful performance, Gastro Globus, McDonald’s, volunteers – Mia, Tea, Lucija, Ana, Jelena, Josip, Dominik, Leon, Hrvojka, Karlo and the dear friends of the Foundation who were all available to us all day, to our dear Dr. Esma Čečuk Jeličić and Anja Babić who came from Split to support this action, Vesna Ravenšćak and Ana Mrčić on their support, Zvonimir and Filip who also visited and whose friend Ivan is currently undergoing treatment for leukemia at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, the Croatian Leukemia and Lymphoma Association, the Bosnian Croatians Association “Prsten” for support and a visit, the University Hospital Centre Zagreb medical staff who were available for all medical inquiries and all of you dear potential donors who have taken the time to do good and help those who need our help the most.