New potential donors on action in Zagreb

Dear friends, on Saturday, September 16, we held the action of registering in Croatian Bone Marrow Donors Registry in collaboration with RIT Croatia, an international campus of the prestigious American University of Rochester Institute of Technology.


Action to join the Croatian Bone Marrow Donors Registry in Novska

Dear friends, Ana Rukavina Foundation organizes the enrollment into the Croatian Bone Marrow Donors Registry in Novska, as a part of NovskaRUN’s 3rd race.The action will take place on Saturday, August 12th from 16 to 18 in cooperation with the “NoGA” Athletic Club from Novska in the premises of the Institute of Public School Novska, Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana 3.


Allocation of resources for professional training from Ana Rukavina Foundation – a doctor has been chosen.

Dear friends, this way we would like to present you the results of the third public tender for the professional training of a physician, a specialist in pediatrics, this time in the area of ​​transplantation stem cells in children with metabolic diseases and immunodeficiency in health institutions Universal Medical Center Utrecht (Netherlands) and Newcastle University (United Kingdom), published in April […]
