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Zaklada Ana Rukavina
Vrbje 1 C, 10000 Zagreb
T: 01 48 12 827
E: [email protected]

The Traditional “Želim život” concert tonight!

  You can follow tonight’s traditional “Želim život” concert featuring eminent Croatian music stars Prljavo kazalište, Gibonni and Miroslav Škoro.  The festive and pleasant to the ear program starts at 8:15 PM from the Nova TV studio and online platforms of Nova TV. If you have the possibility, call us by dialing the humanitarian number 060 9000 provided by Hrvatski […]


Concert “I Want Life” (“Želim život”) – performers announced!

The Ana Rukavina Foundation and its partner Nova TV are preparing a holiday program in the form of a concert that will be broadcast on December 17, 2022, on the Nova TV program and online platforms of Nova TV. This year’s concert, known to everyone as “I want life” („Želim život“), will be held starting at 8:15 p.m. with impressive […]


The Advantages of NGS (Next Generation Sequencing)

We are very happy to announce that NGS has also been introduced in Croatia which is a big breakthrough for hematology in our country. Below we are bringing you basic facts about why NGS is important and what it can provide for patients suffering from hematologic illnesses.


Number of potential bone marrow donors in the Croatian Registry

Number of typed donors in the Croatian Registry

Number of transplantions from the Croatian Registry

How It All Began

Želim život

Akcija "Želim život" je priča koja je počela sa Aninim pismom u kojem je rekla da sve njene želje stanu u te dvije riječi.

Banka krvi iz pupkovine

Osnivanje javne Banke krvi iz pupkovine Ana Rukavina rezultat je velikog truda i uloženih sredstava Zaklade Ana Rukavina s ciljem da što više ljudi koji se liječe od hematoloških bolesti dobije priliku za ozdravljenje.

Stručno usavršavanje

Javni natječaj za edukaciju i stručno usavršavanje mladih liječnika specijalizanata ili specijalista interne hematologije i drugih srodnih specijalizacija.

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