Split: 105 new donors join the Registry

At the action to join the Registry of voluntary bone marrow donors, which was held on August 26th in Split at Prokurative, there were 105 new potential donors of bone marrow and stem cells that gave blood samples to be tissue typed.


Križ – Action to join the Registry

The Women’s Hands Association organized an action in Križ in which 50 new potential bone marrow and stem cell donors joined the Registry and gave blood samples for tissue typing!
Our kind hosts and organizers of the action in beautiful Križ, Mrs. Ivana Smolec Krivec, President of the Association, and the other members of the Association, organized a wonderful event in which 50 new potential bone marrow and stem cell donors gave blood samples for tissue typing. The event was covered by all the local media.


Valentine’s Day on Hvar celebrated with “I want life” humanitarian action

The Director of the Red Cross in Hvar, Mrs. Maja Budrović, sent us the following mail:
In connection with the Red Cross project “Education for Humanity”, the first graders of the Hvar Primary School, led by teachers Nada Jeličić and Sunčica Lakoš, as well as the fourth graders from the same school and their teacher, Veronika Mlinac, participated in the collective action and sold hearts made of plasticine and clay to their fellow citizens. St. Stjepan’s Square was ringing with the laughter and happiness of the proud young little “humanitarians”.


Zagreb – Limes Plus 03.03.2009

After taking a winter break, the Ana Rukavina Foundation got back to work and held its 164th action to join the Registry of voluntary bone marrow and stem cell donors, and to donate blood samples for tissue typing.
